Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Letter to my unborn child

Dear Baby,

Wow, you’re half way here and we are so excited to meet you.  Your dad and I have been waiting for you for a while now and pretty soon we’ll get to see you, touch you, and gaze into your beautiful eyes.  I’m especially looking forward to holding you in my arms and nuzzling your sweet smelling head.  Let’s spend hours together just cuddling, nursing, sleeping, and enjoying life together. I can’t wait to be your mama. 

I’ve been preparing for motherhood since I was a young girl and I feel so ready to welcome you into my life.  I’ve studied everything I could about how to be a good parent, how to help you learn and grow, and how to be the best example I can be for you.  I’ve even practiced by taking care of lots of other babies and kids, but really it was all for you.  Taking care of you and teaching you how to take good care of yourself sounds like the most fun and rewarding thing I could possibly do in my life.  Thanks for helping me fulfill my life’s purpose.

Just wait ‘till you meet your dad.  He’s fantastic.  I just know he’s going to be such a wonderful daddy to you.  When I was choosing a husband I decided to choose the man with the biggest, most beautiful heart I could find.  And that’s your dad.  He cares so deeply, and shares himself so openly.  I love his honesty and the way he gives me little surprises. I love the way he kisses my belly and says hello to you. I love your father very much. I completely trust him to take exquisite care of all of our hearts, which is really the most important task of all.  And on top of all that, he’s hilarious!  With your daddy in our lives, we are sure to have lots and lots of laughter and fun.

I know you can hear us now and every once in a while, I feel these tiny flutters. When you are quiet, I worry there is something wrong – I hope you are just sleeping soundly. I apologise for not being in the best of situations but I thank God every day that you are healthy and strong. Your grandmother is very excited as well and she cannot wait to meet you little one.

When you’re here, mummy will take you to meet her three best friends who are the closest people in her life and I know will be there for you, to protect you and love you when I’m not around - because that’s how it is in our family, we practice unconditional love and take care of each other, no matter what the circumstances.

You will meet people who are mean and hurtful but you must remember that they will never matter to you. They will say things that will want you to hurt them back but mummy and daddy would have raised you well to be the better person and walk away. Life is never going to be easy but we will always be here to help you stand up when you fall.

I hope I still love your father as much when you read this as I do now. I hope he loves me too. Life can be unpredictable and cruel. I hope we are strong enough to keep our love strong. One thing I know is that we will both still be madly in love with you.

Time flies and soon enough, you will be here. We can’t wait. We just can’t wait.

All my love,

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