Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New diet plan!

Hello beautiful people!

As of tomorrow, I will be starting a new diet regime called the Mediterranean Diet. Looking forward to this. The beauty of the plan is that it already includes everything I enjoy eating like fish, fruits and vegetables. I don't eat junk. The biggest reason for my weight gain is all the alcohol I have been consuming at a regular basis that has made me feel bloated. I am definitely excited about this new diet plan and can't wait to see the results. I know it will take a few months before results are visible but it will be worth the wait, especially with the wedding looming in March 2011. I'll have to start walking a lot more but it does pose a problem for me because I am asthmatic. The heat in the Tropics is unbearable, especially for me. Well, here's to a new plan, good health and long life!!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Been 7 days now. No sign of it happening. Negative results coming through but I have hope in it showing up one day soon, hopefully this week. I am not sure as to what I am supposed to be doing at this point. Hate the waiting game as it annoys the hell out of me. This afternoon is supposedly D-day. Desperate is what I am to get through this unscathed. Till this afternoon then.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tired. Done.

I am not sure where I'm supposed to start. At the top would make it too long and miserable. The middle seems good for now. I have so much going on in my life right now and at the same time, so much going wrong that I wish I were somewhere else. Stressed and worried and afraid all at once. Its beginning to show on the outside. As I type this, my eyes are closing because I've had only 4 hours sleep yet its only mid afternoon. But when it comes to night time, I just can't fall asleep. Tired and wounded inside. Emotionally drained. I need an escape route, a way out of here. Just when you think you couldn't get any happier, the ceiling comes crashing down on you. It always picks me. I'm the one it always falls on. So tired, I think i'm done.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Stress, getting to me.

Must. Get. Sleep.


Friday, September 17, 2010


Dear Disenchanted One,

I hereby grace your page with my useless ramblings. It has been a while since I had this priviledge so I'm trying to make the most of the time I have. I know things have been tough lately and I know it hasn't been easy dealing with the way toxic folk have treated you but I am here to tell you now that it will get better. Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel from where you stand but trust me, the world will not end for you. In fact, you will learn from this experience and grow tougher, another layer of skin to shield the unwanted. I know I have seen my fair share of misery and pain yet I struggle on and hold on to the hope of a brighter future. Don't you want to walk barefoot on a summers day in the park?? Oh how beautiful it would be to feel the sun on your face, to see the innocent play, to feel the rush of wind through your hair as you close your eyes and savor it all. I know it paints a pretty picture but you haven't lived until you've tried this. It makes you feel alive! The world is a wonderful place if you would only allow yourself to see it. Do you remember what it was like as a child growing up? The freedom and carelessness of youth. The wonderful aromas of a family picnic. You can still have it all! Its not too late for you, for us! Hold my hand now as I take you to the other side of life. A side where you fear nothing but the shackles of old age, even that you will wear gracefully. Lets go now! Are you ready?


Feeling very afraid at this moment. Can't sleep and its after 1am. My chest feels tight, I can't explain the fear I have. Its frustrating enough to make me lose my mind. I don't know what to do right now. Someone help me please!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I did it. I finally did it. Pulled myself off Facebook. Feels kinda weird coz I thought it wouldn't be possible, especially in this day and age. Gosh, it took too much of my time and now I really regret ever signing up. But then again, there is that certain attraction to it that might possibly drag me back....then again, you never know eh! So yeah, another day almost gone. I should probably start one of those Dear Diary things next. Could be fun, a whole new light. Something off the beaten track as I always seem to wana venture in the dark coz I am that damn bored. Why is it that I feel this way?? Arghhh crap. To hell with this entry, I'm off to bed. Laters!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Adrenaline.....coursing through my veins. I'm running into nothing, its almost crazy! An invisible wall for a junkie. High on life, nah must be V or something. Just doesn't feel the same anymore. I wana run, just keep running...not feeling the pain, crashing into you, going to extremes and still not feeling the pain.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another way out

Alas, it seems like only yesterday when I had the urge to do the impossible. The urge to cross that imaginary line towards a new frontier. Nobody sees it but me. I feel it. How I wish I knew all that back then. sadly it had to be this way. Random ramblings from a disenchanted soul. I know it makes no sense to you but then again, it wasn't supposed to. I am who I am and what I write matters only to me, and no other. Thoughts that linger when I'm alone in the dark. The world that spins around in my mind when nobody bothers to ask how I feel. It is remarkable in here. You should take a trip in my mind someday. I am certain you will leave a little less-thrilled because it isn't for a the faint-hearted. Did I scare you? Good! That was the point of it all. Until the next one............